I’ve authored books on innovation, available on Amazon, in hardcover and kindle formats -
The Intrapreneur’s Journey
The Innovation Animals
Articles and excerpts
The Intrapreneur’s Journey
THE INTRAPRENEUR’S JOURNEY is a book for new and experienced practitioners of the Lean Startup and Design Thinking principles.
From the Back Cover …
The Intrapreneurs Journey is a must-read for any entrepreneur, manager or
CEO who seeks to unleash innovation inside the company to successfully
compete and win in today's fast-changing external environment. The lessons and
firsthand experience that Molotsi and Zias share from the world's leading
innovators are artfully translated into a practical "how-to" guide that is both
entertaining and enlightening. Any company that seeks to treat every day as
"Day One" inside their company should turn to this book as the recipe for
- Brad D. Smith, Chairman and CEO, Intuit
Intrapraneurs are invaluable to any company that wants to create sustainable
growth through innovation. The Intrapraneur's Journey is not just about the
process of channeling and maximizing their power, complete with detailed steps
and real-life examples, but the culture that supports it. The politics, pitfalls and,
most of all the power of working in this way are all covered, making it a
compelling read for anyone who's ready to take their organization to the next
- Eric Ries, New York Times Best Selling Author of The Lean
Startup and The Startup Way, Co-founder Lean Startup Co.
Read more about our book at the GrassRootsGuide.
The Innovation Animals
From the "APE" to the "ZEBRA," The Innovation Animals is simply not your typical "principles for business success" book. First, it has watercolors. And it has haiku. Most important, this book invites you to take everything you think you know about business and dump it on the table. Mix it up. Turn it inside out. The Innovation Animals explores real-life, real-world innovation situations-the wild successes and the cringe-worthy disasters-using clever acronyms such as ... - APE: Autonomy, Purpose, and Excellence - IBIS: Inquiry-based Insightful Surprise - PIG: Perseverance Ignites Growth Each acronym encapsulates a lesson on how to think like an innovator, not like an accountant. In The Innovation Animals, you'll discover: - How an insanely expensive manufacturing choice led to the revolutionary invention of the 2000s. - The completely random circumstances that led to the development of masking tape. - What happens when bad customer service gets set to music. - Why big bosses may need to stay OUT of big decisions! - And much more. The Innovation Animals is colorful, pragmatic and just may change your life. And you'll finally know what a NENE is.
Praise for The Innovation Animals
Not many business books can claim to be beautiful as well as useful, but THE INNOVATION ANIMALS fills the bill. The ABC's of innovation are richly conveyed via attractive illustrations, entertaining anecdotes, and poems. Yes, poems. Read it for yourself, then pass it along to your creative friends.
— Daniel H. Pink, author of DRIVE and TO SELL IS HUMAN
Each of us has the capacity to be an innovator. Innovation Animals ignites that internal innovation spark, showcasing important attributes made memorable by the pairing with respective innovation animals, and supported by best practice stories to bring the attributes and capacity for innovation to life. A charming, insightful and highly pragmatic source of inspiration for any reader.
— Brad Smith, President & Chief Executive Officer, Intuit … (ranked by Forbes as the #3 Greatest Business Leader alive today)
True to form, Jeff Zias--one of the key forces behind Intuit's ground-breaking innovation program, has found a playful, artistic, and inspiring way to convey the principles of innovation that he has studied and discovered over years of personal application. Any individual or business can quickly absorb and retain a best practice in innovation by simply picking up this book and reading through the wealth of case studies, memorable analogies, and descriptive counsel. I highly recommend this book to any aspiring innovator!
- Curtis Lefrandt, CEO, Co-founder, Innovator’s DNA
Read more about the book on Amazon
Selected creativity and innovation articles -
Purpose and Passion (published on LinkedIn Pulse)
Five Perseverance Tips for the Innovator
Great Coaches - the Way of the Master-full
The history of the Post-it note -”Ya, I invented the Post-it”
Freedom, your best investment
Coming soon …
Mobile Innovation
Keys to Creative Success
How to Run a Killer Hackathon
An interview I did, and resultant article, for the Harvard Business Review