A daily habit of creative expression
Water stories …
Ripples shimmer bright,
Water's secrets lie beneath-
Life's key not revealed

Calm in shadowed woods,
Cougars prowl with silent steps,
Yet you stand, so still.
Threat around you stirs,
But in your eyes, pure balance,
Soft, unwavering.
Brown eyes like liquid,
Gentleness within great depths,
Kindness undisturbed.
Black Crowned Night Heron
Heron's wings outstretched,
Grace in vulnerable strength,
Beauty in the flight.
Red Shouldered Hawk
Impactful beauty,
Truth, awe, and power pierce soul,
Stirring deep within.
American Kestrel
The smallest falcon in North America
Kestrel owns the sky,
Colors flash, swift talons strike,
Grace, and fierce intent.
Greater Yellowlegs
Vast field painted wide,
Colors balance on expanse,
Freedom strikes a tone.